Colored cement slurry
It is a ready-to-use powder after mixing it with water in the workplace. Each bag of 20 kg needs 4-5 liters of water.
It is a colored powder of 20 basic colors provided by the company, or according to the customer’s desire.
How to use:
Add 4-5 liters of water in a clean bowl and then pour the powder
Gradually mix with an electric or hand mixer for 2 minutes
And it is ready to serve. The mix will be valid for 90 minutes.
The surface to be coated is sprayed with water, then the mixture is spread by means of
The trowel is then rubbed with a plastic brush from top to bottom
Straight without adding water to the rub or over the mud
to be tested.
And sprayed with water after 24 hours for three days in the morning
and evening, and it is isolated on the fourth day with an isolation material
Consumption amount:
Each bag of 20 kg covers 7 square meters of thickness of 3 mm
Hardening time:
Initial dryness 24 hours, complete dryness 3 days
Complete solidification 28 days.
Colored acrylic clay (plexine)
It is a ready-to-use paste for the exterior facades of buildings
And villas and decoration works.
Technical Specifications:
Stable colors, high adhesion strength, moisture proof.
No watering required.
Weather resistant, crack free.
It is applied manually by trowel with a thickness of 2-4 mm.
Then wound b rubbed from top to bottom.
quantity to consume:
Each pail weighing 20 kg is 7 m2 and has a thickness of mm.
initial dehydration 2 hours,
Complete dryness 24 hours.
Complete solidification 7 days.
Grolanite clay
It is a ready-made mixture (from a marble base) used for the exterior facades of buildings and villas.
Material Composition:
Adhesives + broken marble
• Clearance is high.
• Natural colors with a beautiful luster.
• High durability.
Speed in achievement.
High resistance to rain, moisture and heat
and various weather factors.
Applied to soft buildings.
Adheres to all types of surfaces.
• You do not need watering.
Consumption amount:
Each pail weighing 20 kg gives from 7 to 10 m
According to the softness of the portion.
Decoration spray
It is a cement powder with a liquid used for the exterior cladding of building facades above the coarse or soft clay or directly on the block. It is an anti-aging material from the inside and outside and can be applied in wet places without any problems and is available in more than 20 colors.
Surface clearance is high.
Moisture insulating.
Ease of implementation.
You don’t need watering.
Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
Nice looking.
Method of use:
Pour the liquid content into a clean container and then add the powder
Gradually and mix with an electric mixer for 2 minutes and apply by means of an air compressor with a special sprayer or a roller.
The first stage: It is the basic color of the ground, and after the first surface has dried, the second color is engraved by intermittent spraying until we get the desired shape.
Drying period:
Initial dryness 60 minutes, complete dryness 28 days
Technical characteristics:
Density after mixing at -25 degrees 1.85 km 5 +- kg per liter.
The mixing ratio is 20 kg of powder, 5 liters of emulsifying liquid + 2 liters of water
The shelf life of the mixture is 90 minutes.
Consumption rate is 1.8 kg per square meter, two sides
Approximately 1 mm thick
Weight set 20 kg +- 5 liters of liquid.
Product validity: 12 months
Cement mortar with high fluidity, strong, non-shrinkage
It is a cement-based mixture product that only needs to be mixed with water to produce a high-strength, non-shrinkage mortar for restoration purposes.
And fill in the blanks and there are two types of it (fine – coarse).
Technical characteristics:
The color is gray, the powder density (kg/l) (0.05-100.2)
Dry mortar (kg / liter) (0.05-20 rate
Consumption (2.3) tons / m
How to use:
– The main surface must be free of strong and clean from
oils, grease and other impurities.
– A specified amount of water is placed in the blender and the specified amount of groats is slowly poured. With constant confusion.
– After adding the entire quantity, continue mixing for at least two minutes until reaching a mixture
Smooth and homogeneous texture. The mixture is run within twenty minutes
– The amount of water that is added to obtain the texture is negotiable
For precisely defined castings and exceeding the limited water percentage
In the mixture results in the weakening of the resulting concrete according to
forces required.
The percentage of water in the mixture is determined as follows:
– Liquid consistency about 10-11 liters of water per 100 kg of grout.
– A texture in which settlement rates of 8-9 liters of water are used
per 100 kg of grout and for best results
Use the automatic mixer.
Storage for 12 months under appropriate storage conditions.
Packaging: Bags of 5 kg / 20 kg / 50 kg.
Ceramic adhesive
It is a powder based on cement, siliceous sand, calcium carbonate, and polymeric additives to increase the strength of consistency, increase viscosity, and plasticize. It also conforms to the European specifications EN12004 in terms of consistency, and follows classification C1 for adhesive classifications.
There are three varieties:
Swimming pool adhesive, high thickness adhesive, super adhesive.
Technical Specifications :
1. The bond strength is 2 Nmm after 28 days.
2. Compressive strength 13 N mm after 28 days.
3. The flexural strength is 5 Nmm after 28 days.
4. The volumetric weight of the mixture is 1.75 kg per liter ± 5%.
How to use :
Clean the surface from dust and wash it with water. Add 4.5 liters of water to a 20 kg bag gradually, then mix with an electric mixer for 3 minutes, then leave for 5 minutes.
Before starting work, the shelf life of the mixture is 90 minutes.
Consumption :
Each 1 bag weighing 20 kg covers 5 meters with a thickness of 2 mm.
Packing: 20 kg bag.
Shelf life: one year from the date of production.
Veining paint
It consists of two compounds, one of which is a powder and the other is a liquid acrylic latex with a light consistency after mixing in the form of a foamy liquid.
Technical features and application:
Heat insulating material. Thirst for water
The possibility of absorbing steam inside the buildings
to be isolated
High adhesion to surfaces
The volumetric weight of the mixture is 1.2 kg per liter.
– A separating layer between the surface from the inside and the outside
Mixing ratio Every 1 kg of liquid needs
3 kg powder + 700 grams of water.
The shelf life of the product after mixing is 120 minutes.
– Coverage Each set of 20 kg covers 20 m
How to use:
Add 5 liters of liquid with 3 kg of water and pour the powder
Gradually, then mix with an electric mixer for 5 minutes
until the mixture becomes homogeneous and then applied to
surface to be isolated.
Bag weighing 15 kg powder + 5 kg liquid.
Product validity period: one year from the date of production.